3rd Meeting 2018
10 03 2018We had our 3rd meeting at 10/3/18.
F2 are having exams about lashing while F1 are having exams about the undang-undang and Pre-Persetiaan of Pandu Puteri.
seniors are preparing to teach the F2 lashing
they are asking friends about how to tie a lashingthey are happy they are happy to be together
the F1 are having their examsthey think that the exam is a piece of cake
they very concentrated in doing good in the examf1 are having their exams
fi are having their examscheese!!!!!
f2 are listening to the instruction given by their seniors
f2 are paying attention to the seniors
f1f1 are having their examsf1 had finished their exams
f2 arethis is our logbookf2 are doing their logbook
the f1 and seniors are observing the marching of f2
f2f1 is marchingf2 is doing their logbook
this is a sample of logbookf1 is marching
senior is teaching f1 marchingf1 is marching
Categories : Learning experience, Meeting